“MAGIC SPIRAL” three dimensional NEON LIGHT ARTWORK - “Normā Over Paris” Signed, trademarked DESIGNER NEON ORIGINAL SCULPTURE - found nowhere else - Personally hand-blown and created by John Barton - Internationally Renowned Neon Glass Artist, Ohio, USA. Shipping across the U.S., Canada, and Europe - this example shipping to Greenwich, Connecticut.
Featuring all deluxe stained Italian Neon Glass from the Island of Murano, Italy - stained glass colored even when ‘off’. Three dimensional free form neon spiral swirls: citrus orange, emerald green, and cobalt blue - with angled noviol gold piercing each spiral. End view below -
Satin finish honey colored birch background behind neon - overall size: 46” width by 19” height, by approx. 8” depth when hanging. Custom neon colors and sizes by special order. Shades of white, pastels, luscious deep neon colors -
Order YOURS today - click “CONTACT” above, Call: 513-423-2618, or Email: info@BartonNeonMagic.com . Website: BartonNeonMagic.com . THE ULTIMATE lighting accent for any Modern Interior!