"La Couleur Moderne de Paris" - "The Modern Color of Paris" - Hand-blown, signed 'Normā Over Paris" trademarked designer neon original - found nowhere else.
Personally made, hand-blown, and painted Parisian comtemporary artwork neon background - by John C. Barton - Internationally Renowned Neon Glass Artist, Light Sculptor, and Neon Engineer.
Brilliant overlapping neon hexagon colors: coral pink, aquamarine, noviol gold, and brilliant white. Aquamarine and noviol gold being designer stained Murano Italian neon glass.
The above photo with neon unlit, shows Parisian artwork on wooden background behind neon - ULTRA MOD - brilliant blue, orange, green, and yellow - with luscious red strudeled on top.
Fine quality energy efficient neon power supply hidden behind. Small hanging chains with 'S' hooks in upper rear corners - hidden from view when hanging. Felt padded stand-off legs in rear, space neon sculpture out from the wall when hanging - for a deluxe Fine Art Gallery look.
Absolute finest quality throughout. Overall size: 20 width, 14" height, and 8" depth. The ULTIMATE in fine comtemporary impressionistic neon sculpture!
Call: 513-423-2618, email: info@BartonNeonMagic.com, or use the EZ contact form on this website. The PERFECT Parisian accent for YOUR interior!