'NORMā OVER PARIS' signed, trademarked designer original, hand-blown by John C. Barton - International Neon Glass Artist.
This custom design graces homes, lofts, and condos - a favorite of interior design professionals, creating the perfect magical addition to any decor! 42" by 22", with your choice of neon colors - white, pastels, or deep colors, and your choice of background colors. Self-contained, ready to hang and enjoy.
Exquisite Cobalt Blue imported neon glass, from Murano, Italy..... European Castle personally designed and hand-blown.... by renowned International Neon Glass Artist, John C. Barton - Ohio, USA.
Shipping to any location. Call 513-423-2618, or email: info@BartonNeonMagic.com . Website: www.BartonNeonMagic.com . THE ULTIMATE!