STUNNINGLY ELEGANT Custom Neon Light Sculptures for home, apartment loft, vacation villa, or office!
Personally Designed and Hand-blown by John Barton - Award Winning American Neon Glass Artist & Light Sculptor, Ohio, USA.
From shades of white, pastels, to deep neon colors, I can custom create that ULTRA look for YOUR interior!
Also deluxe stained Italian Neon Glass from the Island of Murano, Italy. The above photo featuring citrus orange, emerald green, and cobalt blue graceful three dimensional neon spirals, with angled noviol gold passing through each. Honey colored stained birch background behind neon, for sleek contemporary look. Overall size: 46” width, 19” height, by approx. 8” depth when hanging.
“Normā Over Paris” signed, trademarked DESIGNER NEON ORIGINALS - found nowhere else.
Give us a ring - Pre-Holiday SPECIALS - Click “CONTACT” above, Call: 513-423-2618, or Email: . Website: . Shipping everywhere. THE ULTIMATE!